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Konfigurasi Final Gammu pada Win 7 atau XP to help All error

January 04, 2017

extract rename misal gammu =>jadi:D:\gammu\bin\....
Copy file 'gammurc' dan 'smsdrc' pada 'C:\gammu\share\doc\gammu\examples\config' ke 'D:\gammu\bin'

edit file smsdrc
# Database backends congfiguration
user = root
password =
pc = localhost
# pc can also contain port or socket path after colon (eg. localhost:/path/to/socket)
database = lp2msetgammuauto

edit file gammurc
device = com10:
connection = at115200

gammu identify
jika sudah sukses, import database
 Impor format table untuk database 'gammu' Anda dengan menggunakan script 'mysql.sql' pada direktori 'C:\gammu\share\doc\gammu\examples\sql\mysql.sql'

lalu edit ulang smsdrc sesuaikan dengan konfigurasi database dan password Xampp Anda
device = com70:
connection = at115200
service = mysql
user = root
password =
pc = localhost
database = lp2msetgammuauto
driver = mysql

tes sms.....
gammu -c smsdrc sendsms TEXT 08121215xxxx
isi  pesan

gammu sendsms TEXT 089669091xxx -text "Apa kabar"
Untuk membuat service gammu dengan perintah sbb:
    gammu-smsd -i -c smsdrc -n adiGammu atau
    gammu-smsd -c smsdrc -i
Untuk jalankan :
    gammu-smsd -s -c smsdrc -n adiGammu

Apabila terjadi error (Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion), hilangkan opsi “-f 0? pada service yang telah dibuat tadi, dengan cara:
a. Buka Registry Editor (Start>RUN>”regedit”)
b.Cari lokasi “HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\[nama service gammu]”
b.Edit value bagian “ImagePath”, hilangkan “-f 0?

hmmmm...    jika masih ada error fasion juga: edit pada smsdrc
device = com11:
connection = at19200
#connection = dlr3
#synchronizetime = yes

Error 1063: The service process could not connect to the service controller)
    akan muncul jika gammu tidak du run test (play standby)

Error 27 : The drive cannot find the sector requested
    Kemungkinan ada masalah dengan database...

*N.B : sebelum menjalankan/install service gammu daemon, pastikan settingan gammu sudah benar, untuk mengeceknya gunakan perintah :
    gammu-smsd -c smsdrc
    Kalo tidak ada pesan error dan di TaskManager ada proses Gammu-SMSD, berarti settingan kemungkinan sudah benar. Jika terdapat error, jangan lupa ngecek file smsdlog.

U di windows 7 dan sukses, beberapa yang perlu diperhatikan:(error Access is Denied)
>> Waktu eksekusi command prompt, pastikan dibuka sebagai administrator (run as administrator)
>> PASTIKAN telah melewati proses identifikasi, artinya tidak ada error ketika menjalakan perintah :
    gammu –identify

Errror : Invalid parameter
    Gunakan baufrate: 115200

Error 27 : The specified service does not exist as an installed service
    karena service gammu belum aktif...jadi seblum gunakan start gammu install dlu servicenya:
    gammu –identify
    gammu identify
    gammu-smsd -i -c smsdrc -n adiGammu
    gammu-smsd -s -c smsdrc -n adiGammu

-i untuk meng-install service
-c untuk konfigurasi
-n untuk membuat nama service
-s untuk menjalankan service gammu

Uji coba untuk mengirim SMS dengan menggunakan perintah dibawah ini:
gammu-smsd-inject –c D:\mygammu\bin\smsdrc TEXT +6285279959498 –text “Hello Mr. Adi...”


===============finish smsdrc
# This is a sample Gammu SMSD configuration file. It's required for gammu-smsd,
# see gammu-smsdrc(5) for documentation.

# Gammu configuration, this section is like section "gammu" in "gammurc" file,
# see gammurc(5) for documentation.
device = com11:
connection = at19200
#connection = dlr3
#synchronizetime = yes
#logfile = gammulog # this is not used at all in SMSD mode
#logformat = textall
#use_locking = yes
#gammuloc =
#startinfo = yes

# When uncomment this section and insert numbers here, smsd will process
# incoming sms only from numbers written here (incoming sms from all other
# numbers will be deleted)
#number1 = 1234

# When uncomment this section and insert numbers here, smsd will process
# incoming sms from all numbers not written here (incoming sms from numbers
# written here will be deleted). This is "black" list.
# Note: after using "include_numbers" section this one will be ignored
#number1 = 1234

# General SMSD settings, see gammu-smsdrc(5) for detailed description.
# SMSD service to use, one of FILES, MYSQL, PGSQL, DBI
service = MYSQL
# PIN for SIM card
PIN = 1234
# File (or stderr, syslog, eventlog) where information will be logged
logfile = smsdlog
# Amount of information being logged, each bit mean one level
debuglevel = 0
# Configuration for using more phones on same database
#phoneid = MyPhone1
# Script to be executed when new message has been received
#runonreceive = /some/script
# Commication frequency settings
commtimeout = 30
sendtimeout = 30
#receivefrequency = 0

# Phone communication settings
#checksecurity = 1
#resetfrequency = 0

# Delivery report configuration
#deliveryreport = no
#deliveryreportdelay = 10

# Ignoring broken SMSC
#skipsmscnumber = +48602123456

# Database backends congfiguration
user = root
password =
pc = localhost
# pc can also contain port or socket path after colon (eg. localhost:/path/to/socket)
database = lp2msetgammuauto

# DBI configuration
driver = mysql
# driverspath = /usr/lib/dbd/
# Database directory for sqlite
# dbdir = /var/lib/smsd

# Files backend configuration
#inboxpath = /var/spool/sms/inbox/
#outboxpath = /var/spool/sms/outbox/
#sentsmspath = /var/spool/sms/sent/
#errorsmspath = /var/spool/sms/error/
#inboxformat = unicode
#transmitformat = auto
#outboxformat = detail

=======================finish gammurc file
; This is a sample ~/.gammurc file.
; In Unix/Linux  copy it into your home directory and name it .gammurc
;                or into /etc and name it gammurc
; In Win32       copy it into directory with Gammu.exe and name gammurc
; More about parameters later
; Anything behind ; or # is comment.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


device = com11:
connection = at19200
; Do not use model configuration unless you really need it
;model = 6110
;synchronizetime = yes
;logfile = gammulog
;logformat = textall
;use_locking = yes
;gammuloc = locfile
;startinfo = yes
;gammucoding = utf8
;usephonedb = yes


;device = com8:
;model = 6110
;connection = fbusblue
;synchronizetime = yes
;logfile = gammulog
;logformat = textall
;use_locking = yes
;gammuloc = locfile
;startinfo = yes
;gammucoding = utf8

sumber :


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